The past couple of years at Tierra Nueva, we've been praying for more workers to come and join us. No longer are we starting up new projects, but we are seeking to better accompany the people God has brought to us.
Sometimes, I've felt a bit like Moses, complaining to God, “I cannot carry all these people by myself; the
burden is too heavy for me.” God responds by telling Moses to bring him 70 of Israel’s leaders to the
tabernacle. “I will come down and
speak with you there, and I will take some of the power of the Spirit that is
on you and put it on them. They
will share the burden of the people with you so that you will not have to carry
it alone.” (Numbers 11:10-17).
Last year, God answered our prayer in beautiful and unexpected ways, bringing people to fill exactly the roles we were hoping, and more! God spoke to Julio, who I mentioned in my last newsletter, bringing him back to Skagit after many years. He is now the 'doorkeeper' at TN and one of my coworkers at the Family Support Center. It has been a delight to have him around, learn from him, and see him come alive this past year as he grows in boldness and love for those around him.
This year we are again seeking new Women's Advocates, Administrative Assistant, Children's Ministry helpers, a Men's Recovery House Assistant Director, and a Business/Marketing Director for New Earth Works. We have already have the possibility of a couple of Women's Advocates and we'd love your prayer and recommendations if you know other people to send our way! For more info go to: and click on 'Get Involved'. Also, there is a new Certificate course that TN is offering starting this fall, called Transformation Ministry on the Margins (in the US and UK!), for more info see:
Finally, a new beautiful video that the same Christian news station did on the Tierra Nueva and our Underground Coffee business:
I am grateful to work alongside Julio, Zach, and the many others connected to Tierra Nueva. Our work would not be possible without the support of many! Please continue to join us in praying for the ministry, for financial support, and for God's Spirit to come and infiltrate this Valley!