Happy New Year! Tierra Nueva's Family Support Center
Year End Report
To give you a little taste of what this year has looked like, I wanted to let you know the mix of things Salvio and I do in the FSC and about how frequently. The following is an average of the number of families TN’s FSC serves per month:- Clothing: 20-25 families
- Court/Legal Appointments: 10-15 individuals
- Doctor Appointments: 5 individuals
- Immigration related appts in Seattle/Tukwila: 5 individuals/families
- Housing Assistance/Applications: 5-10 families
- Job Applications: 15 individuals (2-3 applications each)
- Identification (WA State ID, Mexican Consulate, License): 10-15 individuals
- Referrals to other agencies: 15-20 individuals
- Baby diaper coupons: up to 60 families
- Mail distribution: 20-30 individuals
- Monthly Total~ 90 families; 90 individuals
the baby diaper coupons!The FSC distributes the diaper coupons not only to provide for
people's basic needs, but also as a way to foster further connection, support, and advocacy as needed. People that wouldn't otherwise know about our services, hear through word of mouth that we give out these coupons for a program called Basics for Babies. We are one of two programs that distributes these coupons. The majority of these families also select clothing & blankets from our clothing closet. A number of families, also begin to develop trust with us, and learn that they can come to us with a variety of other problems and needs: legal, medical, housing, employment, accessing other resources, etc. All of these families are either Spanish, Mixtec, or Triqui families. Baby Diaper pick-up time is on Wednesdays from 9-2pm, so Weds from 11-2pm is our busiest time of week with numerous families coming through our doors.The FSC dis
tributed baby diaper coupons to:- a total of 230 separate families throughout 2010
- 122 of 230 were new families who had never received our coupons before and more than likely had never entered our FSC.
- families came to the FSC at least once and up to 12 times for the coupons, (able to receive coupons once a month).
- family size ranges from 3 to 9, so the number of individuals we served in this manner is approximately 1400 during 2010.
- baby diaper coupons open the door to continued service, connection, and relationship
Through providing holistic advocacy, accompaniment, and pastoral care, the Family Support Center continues to open its doors to some of the most needy and vulnerable in Skagit Valley.
Thank you for your support and care!
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