SkAS is a coalition of volunteer activists and representatives from local organizations who are collaborating together to end human trafficking in our streets and in our homes.
Uniting with the global modern-day abolitionist movement, OUR MISSION is to foster collaboration in the fight against human trafficking through:
community awareness & education
capacity building
In January 2011, funded by Sedro Woolley Law Enforcement’s STOP grant, SkAS hosted Shared Hope International’s INTERVENE training on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking. 130 social service providers, law enforcement, and community members came to a 6-hour training, and a 160 parents, youth, and educators attended an evening 2-hour training in Sedro Woolley.
In August 2011, SkAS’s faith-based team organized a screening of Call+Response at Mt. Vernon’s Lincoln Theatre, attended by 140 community members. Various community partners hosted booths & presented on a panel inviting & informing people how to respond locally, (Skagit DVSAS, Sedro Woolley Law Enforcement, Hillcrest Christian Fellowship, Bridges Coalition, WARN, Soroptomist International of Burlington, Free At Last Ministries, New Earth Farm, & Tierra Nueva Underground Coffee Project).
A couple of my upcoming events and tasks include:- Organizing SkAS Monthly Meeting: Nov 15th at Tierra Nueva.
- Speaking on forum at Antioch University in downtown Seattle on Nov. 17th titled "Eliminating Human Trafficking: Challenges and Strategies" 7pm http://www.antiochseattle.edu/
community/perspectives.html - Human Trafficking Training to Soroptomist International Sedro-Woolley club, November 22nd at 12:30 p.m. meeting at the community center.
- Promoting: November Whatcom & King County Events: Freedom Prayer Gathering, Shared Hope International 'Do You Know Lacy?' Training in Bellingham, etc.
- Promoting Soroptomist International January 11th National Human Trafficking Day March
- Advising and promoting monthly human trafficking movie nights at Hillcrest Christian Fellowship in Mt. Vernon
- Ordering & making Skagit Against Slavery t-shirts, from Daughters/Sons of Cambodia!
- Planning Art/Music event in the Spring!
I'm so amazed you got this organization up and running so fast and so successfully! Or am I surprised? You are amazing. Keep up the good work! I hope to attend one of the events next spring.