The volunteers who visited her family today, told me the mother of this woman also started tearing up when they explained who they were and why they were here. She was so grateful and said her kids had been spending their own money on presents for their mom, trying to figure out a way to get them to her.
After our Sunday Bible Studies, I met with 'Tania' as she is in isolation and wasn't able to come. I was surprised to see her coming in smiling as I knew she's been in 'iso' for weeks. I guess she was really glad to see me, says they keep denying her visits (which is true, because I've tried twice!). She is also reading the Bible almost all day long ...and really loving it! She started reading in Matthew and just kept going. "Ive never read the Bible before, but i just can't put it down! It helps that i have the time, but its not boring at all." Please pray for her health and for access to medical services she needs. I visited her mom and 3-year-old daughter today with Victoria (TN), to deliver Christmas presents and meet them. Her family has gone through a lot this year, and her mom is concerned about her as well as her brother who is in prison.

Wait for the whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope.Ps 130:5,6
Bethany, I was challenged as I read this account of your Bible study time with these women in jail. Thanks for this detailed account of your questions and their honest responses. May God bless you and grant you wisdom from above as you come alongside these women and their families. I'm proud of you and pleased for you. This work seems to fit you!