Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012
Welcome to the USA!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Mutual Liberation

Monday, June 18, 2012
Dream Fields
Friday, June 1, 2012
beginning of my 5th summer....

Saturday, May 12, 2012
New Earth Works
Thursday, May 3, 2012
'IMMIGRATION' on the ground level
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Stories from the Fields, Streets, and Shores
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Taize & Easter
After the regular Taize song style prayer service, 'Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!' was translated into around 15 languages. The first phrase was said from the front followed by people all over the church shouting back their responses in their own languages. Sometimes there were 4 respondents, like Swahili, whereas when it was said in German it sounded like half of the church shouted back the response! It felt very appropriate to celebrate Easter with such a huge number of people speaking so many languages.
Halfway through the week, it was estimated there were 500 Spaniards, 500 Portugese, 1000 germans, and who knows how many from Netherlands, Poland, France, Italy, Russia, Lithuania, and on and on! Including me, there were 4 from the US, and 4 from Canada! After a daily bible study led by one of the brothers (monks), I was in a delightful discussion group with people from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Belgium.
Still, my initial longing for a personal retreat, felt a bit out of question at moments, especially as i stood in line for food with maybe a thousand youngsters from all over Europe. so, I headed off on my own to walk the beautiful countryside. I also spent Friday and Saturday at a silent retreat place, 1km from Taize, still attending the prayer services, but getting a much delighted in time of real quiet and peace.
Im incredibly grateful for this time, as well as time afterwards with my dear aunt and uncle. I feel restored, rested, and aligned more fully with the Risen Lord.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Taize: Holy Week and Easter 2012
Daily Schedule:
8.15 Morning prayer12.20 Mid day prayer
20.30 Evening prayer
Thursday evening 5 April
20.30 Celebration of the Eucharist (with the feet washing)
Friday evening 6 April
20.30 Evening prayer followed by prayer around the Cross
Saturday evening 7 April
20.30 Evening prayer and the life commitment of one of the brothers of the community
Sunday 8 April : Easter
10.00 Celebration of the Easter Eucharist
20.30 Evening prayer
Monday, March 26, 2012
Towards a new theology of liberation
It was really helpful, developing a more thorough understanding of body, soul, and spirit and the way we are affected and require holistic healing. It's hard to put it all into words, but my eyes were really opened to more of the spiritual world--and the incredibly power and presence of God. I personally was impacted through a slight paradigm shift, as well as see potential for ways it will affect our ministry. Much more to be said.
It's also been great to be with the Ekblads, meet others from the Uk, France, Sweden, and exploring Paris a bit too!
Monday, March 19, 2012
welcome the 'stranger' and 'alien' includes ALL people
Over the past 3 weeks, Salvio & I have presented on ‘The Faces of Immigration: the Lives of Today’s Farmworkers' to five different groups: our TN Volunteer Advocacy training in Bellingham, Pregnancy Choices, Whidbey Island Presbyterian Church, Lopez Island High School Group, and First Presbyterian Church of Bellevue. As the immigration debate rages on in this country, it is encouraging to be welcomed with open ears and hearts to various communities eager to hear about the lives of those who are often hidden in society. Unfortunately the current political rhetoric all too closely echoes the voices throughout history that have worried about immigrants ‘draining our economy’. The solution repeatedly proposed is ‘to build a wall’ and keep ‘those immigrants out’!

How are we called as Christians to respond? How does the Bible view ‘strangers’ and ‘aliens’? “Of the 613 laws in the Torah, the one that appears most often is the directive to welcome strangers” [Andy Newman, NY Times, 3.8.07]. More than once, Scriptures tell us to not mistreat aliens because we know what its like. "Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens in Egypt” Exodus 22:21; 23:9. We are also reminded that we are strangers of this earth and citizens of heaven [1 Pet 2-11, Ps 119-19].
In the New Testament, Jesus invites us to see and serve him in those around us. “... I was a stranger and you invited me in” (Matt. 25:35). We are also commanded by Jesus to love our neighbors, this includes people who look different from us and/or come from a different country. In fact, the author of Hebrews writes, “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it” (13:2).
What if the US religious rhetoric was transformed into viewing strangers as angels, not aliens to be ostracized from society? What if in each person we saw the potential for mutual liberation, for cross-cultural transformation, and more simply as a precious human created in the image of God? As C.S.Lewis says, “There are no ordinary people…Next to the Blessed Sacrament itself, your neighbour is the holiest object presented to your senses”(Weight of Glory, p.9). It is a privilege to be able to welcome those who come through our Family Support Center doors on a weekly basis, to offer a cup of tea, hear people’s stories, and assist them as they navigate life in the US. By the grace of God, may our eyes be opened to see all as our Divine maker created and designed each to be.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
transformed lives transforming society

Thursday, January 26, 2012
changes and Change groups
Last week I got to go to Bethel Church in Redding CA, participate in weekend services with my parents, sister and her family, as well as an Honor & Empowerment Conference and evening worship at a Healing conference! It was amazing, and great to be with my parents, sister, bro-in-law, nephews and niece. I received a lot through worship and some prayer times, as well as some practical good refreshers on boundaries, confrontation, team dynamics, interpersonal communication, and personality styles.
I came back pretty refreshed and…invited to exercise new practices and paradigm shifts immediately back in Skagit Valley and ministry with Tierra Nueva. Salvio (my FSC coworker) is in Mexico visiting his parents so I’m by myself in the Family Support Center. Even though God has been changing me and inviting me to surrender the weight to him, the practical needs of people still feel like they are on my shoulders. Here are bits of the day and convo in my head ;)
‘This lady’s son is in prison. She thinks he was going to get out this year, but now I call the prison and they tell me he’s got two more years. Tears fill her eyes, and I know what I can really offer is to pray with her. Her husband is really ill, unable to work, and she needs to be home taking care of him so she can’t work either. They are desperate for rent money. ‘How much money should we contribute to their rent payment?’ If I drop the ball, don’t get the info to our bookkeeper in time and mail the check, they will be late and maybe receive an eviction notice. I hope I don't drop the ball.
A new lady walks in, I ask her how she is, and immediately she starts crying. She has gone everywhere looking for help with their gas bill which is due today otherwise it’ll get cut off. ‘Should I say yes to helping with this new person’s utility bill? And help with some gas money?’ Ive never seen them before, but I think we can help with some. She and her husband are disabled too, so can’t work. If we set up a payment plan, and put at least $20 down it will help keep their gas on. I ask her as well, if I can pray with her. She is gladly says yes and gets her husband in the car to join in, and we pray. I think I needed to stop and pray more than anything.
Please pray for me as I navigate the very practical and sometimes emergent needs of people. I’m noticing myself turning quicker and quicker to God, however it can all get pretty overwhelming. Also, please pray for more FSC advocates, for God to grow our Spanish-speaking team!
Elizabeth and I started our Women’s Change Group last night! This has been a dream for a while, to have a space for women to gather and grow deeper together. The Genesis Process Change group is a good structure that seems appropriate. God is really filling in the gaps, with providing people for child care and bringing women who seem ready.
We had 6 women last night (3 babies! and 5 other kids next door) including one volunteer advocate, and a couple more are joining next week. Three of the women know each other because of their gang related boyfriends, some hating others (not pictured). We spoke to this, encouraging people to open themselves up to change and leave their judgments at the door. Elizabeth spoke about stagnation and the hope formula, faith leads to risk leads to change leads to hope and renewed faith!
Please pray with us for this group, and for Elizabeth and I as we lead the time.