Abide in me, as I abide in you.
Jesus invites his followers to stay rooted and connected to him. Apart from him, we not only won't bear fruit, we can do nothing! (John 15). Last week, I became aware of feeling like I have either a smaller 'tank' or a leak and I need to be replenished by God quite often. Although the realities around me are grievous and disheartening at times, I think it is the responsibility and weight of my actions that is particularly draining. I constantly have decisions that could affect someone’s well-being: housing, heat/water utilities, food, diapers, access to resources, etc. There is no distance to crisis situations. Heidi Baker (Iris Ministries) encourages those in full-time ministry, to prioritize (a lot of) time with God and with friends and family. We will be more 'fruitful' if we are full and rested! Despite all I've learned from Trauma Stewardship and other resources, I’m definitely still trying to figure out this balance and welcome your prayers.
In the midst of this awareness, the transitions, preparing for marriage (see below!), for the time being I'm back into my former roles with some new developments and emphasis on SUPPORT & TRAINING. I have stepped out of the local trafficking work. Although I am checking in on those involved, I don’t feel like God is inviting me to have a prominent role in that work here. I have enough going on at Tierra Nueva!
Leadership Council: I'm apart of a small team that makes larger structural decisions, vision-casting, oversees & supports staff, and figures out some of TN's nuts & bolts.

FSC Co-Director: We are now a team of 5! Besides Salvio and myself, Paul, Elisa (new apprentice), and Julio (three on right in photo). We have been enjoying meeting together on Monday mornings to pray for particular families before the drop-in hours. Julio returned to TN a year ago, having known Bob for many years. He's a living miracle who is passionate about doing 'missions' and providing support and care for those who come through our doors...as well as out on the street. He started daily morning, midday, and evening prayer times (without knowing that is part of church tradition!) for homeless and marginalized people in the neighborhood. It has been a joy to work alongside him, learning from him and training him in advocacy—something he received himself through the FSC around 18 years ago!
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)
Jesus invites his followers to stay rooted and connected to him. Apart from him, we not only won't bear fruit, we can do nothing! (John 15). Last week, I became aware of feeling like I have either a smaller 'tank' or a leak and I need to be replenished by God quite often. Although the realities around me are grievous and disheartening at times, I think it is the responsibility and weight of my actions that is particularly draining. I constantly have decisions that could affect someone’s well-being: housing, heat/water utilities, food, diapers, access to resources, etc. There is no distance to crisis situations. Heidi Baker (Iris Ministries) encourages those in full-time ministry, to prioritize (a lot of) time with God and with friends and family. We will be more 'fruitful' if we are full and rested! Despite all I've learned from Trauma Stewardship and other resources, I’m definitely still trying to figure out this balance and welcome your prayers.
In the midst of this awareness, the transitions, preparing for marriage (see below!), for the time being I'm back into my former roles with some new developments and emphasis on SUPPORT & TRAINING. I have stepped out of the local trafficking work. Although I am checking in on those involved, I don’t feel like God is inviting me to have a prominent role in that work here. I have enough going on at Tierra Nueva!
Leadership Council: I'm apart of a small team that makes larger structural decisions, vision-casting, oversees & supports staff, and figures out some of TN's nuts & bolts.
Women's Jail ministry: I'm temporarily overseeing the Women's Jail Ministry team, with 3 new staff chaplains. So I've been doing Bible Studies most Sundays to train and support the other chaplains.

FSC Co-Director: We are now a team of 5! Besides Salvio and myself, Paul, Elisa (new apprentice), and Julio (three on right in photo). We have been enjoying meeting together on Monday mornings to pray for particular families before the drop-in hours. Julio returned to TN a year ago, having known Bob for many years. He's a living miracle who is passionate about doing 'missions' and providing support and care for those who come through our doors...as well as out on the street. He started daily morning, midday, and evening prayer times (without knowing that is part of church tradition!) for homeless and marginalized people in the neighborhood. It has been a joy to work alongside him, learning from him and training him in advocacy—something he received himself through the FSC around 18 years ago!
I also continue to accompany and advocate for families I've been connected to for years, assisting with ongoing U-Visa cases, visiting people in their homes, and recently helping one woman and her kids get out of a dangerous relationship.
Staff support & trainings: In addition to training & supervising Elisa & Julio in the FSC, I'm supporting other staff and working with other TNers to develop our Advocacy Training. We will be putting on another Training this coming May-June at a local church in Mt. Vernon for church members who want to be better equipped accompanying those on the margins of society.
We welcome your prayers as we continue to navigate life and ministry at Tierra Nueva!
Staff support & trainings: In addition to training & supervising Elisa & Julio in the FSC, I'm supporting other staff and working with other TNers to develop our Advocacy Training. We will be putting on another Training this coming May-June at a local church in Mt. Vernon for church members who want to be better equipped accompanying those on the margins of society.
We welcome your prayers as we continue to navigate life and ministry at Tierra Nueva!
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)
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