This past Sunday, we looked at the story of Jesus recruiting Levi (Matthew) in Luke 5: 27-32. After describing the pharisees and the tax collectors, I invited them to replace the terms with present day language. The woman chose 'church leaders' and 'mobster/IRS'.
So we read the story...
On his way out of town, Jesus sees Levi in his mobster's car, and invites him to be a disciple. Levi leaves everything and follows Jesus. He then throws a big party for Jesus in his home, with Jesus as the guest of honor, inviting other mobsters and friends. But the church leaders complained to Jesus disciples, 'Why do you eat and drink with such scum?" Jesus answers, 'healthy people don't need a doctor--sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent."
Here are snippets of our conversation as I invite the group to look closely at the story (the women's answer follow the questions)...
--What was Levi doing when Jesus called him? Was he at a church? Was he seeking Jesus? No!!! He was at his booth.. Kicking back in his car, dealing drugs maybe, or running money.
--Where do we usually think we need to be to meet Jesus? In church. Cleaned up. Sometimes we think we have to have it all together before going to God.
--What's different about this story? Jesus finds Levi.
--Where do we usually think we need to be to meet Jesus? In church. Cleaned up. Sometimes we think we have to have it all together before going to God.
--What's different about this story? Jesus finds Levi.
--So who followed who in this story? Jesus follows Levi to his house to go hang out with him and his homies. He doesn't invite him to church, or to meet him somewhere 'safe', but Jesus wants to come and hang out with the Levi...and his homies. When you hear this story, is there any place that says that we need to have our acts together to come to Jesus? NO!!
---Have you felt Jesus pursuing you? Yes, but it's scary and feels like I need to give up too much.
---Have you felt Jesus pursuing you? Yes, but it's scary and feels like I need to give up too much.
One lady asks what repent means, so I invite the group to brainstorm.
It means owning up to your actions, remorse, change, recognize that you made a mistake. Turning around and heading a new direction. We all recognize how hard this is, but discuss how Jesus make us able as he comes to us, wanting to know us and help us to change.
--Has Jesus ever called you? Have any of you ever felt or heart God, in the middle of doing something wrong? One lady shares a story of when she was 14 years old, and about to do something wrong, and "there was a voice inside that kept saying 'don't do it!' but I ended up doing it anyways and got in trouble for it. I know that that inner voice was God and I should've listen to it." Yes!! When God speaks, most times it's not an audible voice. It's often an impression, a picture, an inclination.
--What was the cost of following Jesus? Left the gang, money, status, position, job/power. The women quickly identify with the costs.
It means owning up to your actions, remorse, change, recognize that you made a mistake. Turning around and heading a new direction. We all recognize how hard this is, but discuss how Jesus make us able as he comes to us, wanting to know us and help us to change.
--Has Jesus ever called you? Have any of you ever felt or heart God, in the middle of doing something wrong? One lady shares a story of when she was 14 years old, and about to do something wrong, and "there was a voice inside that kept saying 'don't do it!' but I ended up doing it anyways and got in trouble for it. I know that that inner voice was God and I should've listen to it." Yes!! When God speaks, most times it's not an audible voice. It's often an impression, a picture, an inclination.
--What was the cost of following Jesus? Left the gang, money, status, position, job/power. The women quickly identify with the costs.
--What do the pharisees or church leaders do in this story? They complain, refer to the mobsters as scum.
--Have any of you felt treated like this before? Many women nod. One lady shares, I went to church and it was all good until they found out that I was gay.. they pretty much shun me after that. Another lady says, I feel like I need to clean up my acts in front of the church people. We talked about how hard this experience is for many, when in reality, Jesus meets us where we are at, comes after us!
--So is this a Jesus that you feel attracted to? Most of the woman nod pretty enthusiastically. One woman shares how things come alive in these Bible stories and she gets it. Jesus is different than she thought. I invite them to pray with me and ask Jesus to show us how He sees us and if there is anything he is inviting us to leave behind.
After praying, I ask if anyone wants to share anything that they felt like God was showing them. One woman begins talking about how she's in a bad relationship right now with a man. As she was praying, she felt like it would be best to leave him since they are both bad for each other right now. She's scared, but she keeps hearing that small voice that tells her that this is the best thing for both of them. The other women began encouraging her, one woman shares her own related story and sings a song for her, and together we prayed for the woman, for wisdom and strength to listen to Jesus.
Another lady breaks down and shares about the resentments she has for friends and family that have put her in the jail. She knows that the right thing is to forgive, but can't right now. We talked about the challenge of forgiveness, and prayed for this woman.
As the guards banged open the door, the women repeatedly thanked us for coming and for all of you who pray for them. They are truly appreciative! Please continue to pray for the women and for us as we lead these times. I'm continually amazed how God is present in these times with the women. One of our values at Tierra Nueva is 'mutual liberation' and it is definitely something I experience as I go into the jail on Sundays. How grateful I am that Jesus comes after us, meets us where we are at and empowers us to change!
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