Saturday, December 17, 2011

rivendell retreat

A week ago, I had the gift of being able to spend 4 full days at a retreat center in Canada called Rivendell. It was a beautiful and well-needed time of sinking more deeply into my identity as God's beloved daughter, regardless of what I do or accomplish!

Leave the rind,
and descend into the pith.
~ Rumi

It helped me recenter; necessary after making quite a few transitions in the past months, and create space within as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ and start a new year.

I loved exploring the nearby areas, lake, ocean, watching the sunset through the hills, and reading
a variety of literature on a window seat looking at out at an incredible mountain vista. I enjoyed a mixture of mystic writings, modern poetry, and psychological & theological readings:

Reflections on Love, by Julian of Norwich
The Gift of Being Yourself, by David Benner
Healing, by Francis McNutt
Birdsong, by Rumi
Swan, by Mary Oliver
and... the Enneagram!

A merry Christmas to you! May the grace of Christ, the fellowship of his LOVE surround and astound you this Christmas season and coming new year!

Love is a river, drink from it. ~Rumi

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