Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Time to be extraordinary!

This past weekend, I got to go to part of a Becoming a Habitation for the King conference, with speaker Graham Cooke (I recommend his teachings, especially 'Soaking in the Beloved'). Some quotes from the weekend:

God hungers for heaven on earth. All of heaven is cheering for you, interceding for you, that you'll step into your destiny and truly understand who you are in Christ Jesus. Time to be extraordinary.  Christ in me is the Hope of glory! 

Father only sees you in Jesus. He is completely magnanimous to you, wants to overwhelm you with who He is. God gives things to you not because of your inadequacies but because of Christ.  He is a magnet inside of you that attracts the goodness of God. 

When God does something in your life, you then receive permission to pass it on as many times as you like. God heals and turns healing around to give you power to release and pull person out of what you've been set free from.   

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